What Is the Web For?

Chapter 1: What Things Are For

When you want to know what an invention is, you ask what it is used for. For example, if you didn't know that telephones are used for calling people, you might think that they are just funny shaped plastic things that make beeps when you press their buttons. And if you didn't know that highways are for going places, you might think that they are just way-too-long basketball courts or good places to rollerblade.

So, what is the Web for?

You probably use it to do research for school papers. So that is one thing that it's for. In fact, the Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee to make it easier for scientists to use the Internet to find research papers written by other scientists. So you're using the Web just the way its creator intended.

But you probably use the Web in ways Berners-Lee didn't have in mind. Do you use the Web to send email? Email is what the Web is for.

Do you use the Web to talk through Instant Messaging with friends? Instant Messaging is what the Web is for.

Have you or your parents bought anything over the Web? Shopping is what the Web is for.

Have you ever played a game like checkers or chess over the Web? Playing games is what the Web is for.

Have you ever listened to music over the Web? Listening to music is what the Web is for.

Links to Explore

Tim Berners- Lee

History of the Internet

Kids' Web Search

Instant Messaging (AOL)

History of Email

Play checkers on the Web

Play chess on the Web*

Listen to the radio on the Web


*You have to register in order to play.



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This is a children's version of David Weinberger's book
Small Pieces Loosely Joined: A Unified Theory of the Web.
copyright © 2002 David Weinberger